Welcome to The Presbyterian Church on the Hill, a congregation that began in 1879 as The First Presbyterian Church of Asbury Park. Its deep roots and rich history contribute to its warm hospitality and commitment to serving the community.
Easter Flower Dedications -
Purchase Easter flowers in honor of or in memory of a loved one for $16. Choose from Easter lilies, tulips, or daffodils. Sign up HERE.
PALM SUNDAY - April 13, 2025 10:15 - Children will lead a procession shouting “Hosanna!” and waving palms as we remember Jesus arriving on a donkey to the crowds in Jerusalem.
After worship there will be an opportunity for photographs with the Easter, Bunny. It runs from 12 to 4. If you are able, please bring pasta sauce and pasta for our food pantry. Sign up through the link in the weekly email or on our website.
GOOD FRIDAY - April 18, 2025 - Soup and Tenebrae 6PM - There will be a simple soup and bread dinner in Fellowship Hall prepared by members of the congregation and served by our youth and Stephen Ministers.
7PM - We will move into the sanctuary for a Tenebrae Service where we will remember the events Jesus experienced during the final hours of his earthly life. The word Tenebrae is Latin for "shadows" or "darkness." After each Scripture reading a candle will be extinguished. The service ends in silence and darkness.
EASTER SUNDAY - April 20, 2025 10:15 - We will celebrate the resurrection of Christ followed by fellowship time at 11:15 that includes an Easter egg hunt on the lawn behind the cross for the young ones. Please bring cut flowers from home so that we can decorate our cross outside to symbolize our new life in the Risen Savior.